
Where little steps make
a big impact
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What is BootMatch?

At BootMatch, we're more than just a free marketplace. We're a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for sport and sustainable living. Engage in discussions, seek advice, and connect with other parents and players who understand the value of secondhand sports gear. Our forums and social channels foster a sense of belonging that goes beyond transactions.

Selling your kids' outgrown boots and trainers has never been easier. BootMatch provides a user-friendly free platform for sellers to list their footwear, complete with detailed descriptions and high-quality images. With our broad user base of parents, players, and sports enthusiasts, your footwear is sure to find a new home quickly. Buyers can trust our transparent listings and shop with confidence, knowing that they're contributing to sustainability and supporting fellow sports enthusiasts.

Feel like donating your footwear?

We are thrilled to partner with KitAid, a charitable organisation dedicated to providing football equipment to those in need globally. Since its inception in 1999 by founder Derick Williams, the charity has successfully donated over 1 million kits.
If you have unsold footwear listed or are interested in contributing by donating your items, please don't hesitate to contact us at

In the coming months, our goal is to establish boot bins at local pitches for convenient boot collection. Your generosity will have a significant impact. Keep an eye out for our monthly newsletter, where we'll share updates on the destinations of the donated items.

Small acts of kindness can truly make a lasting difference.

How it Works


We've curated several sections on BootMatch to assist parents in navigating the complexities of purchasing boots for their kids. With the increasing prevalence of artificial pitches, each with its own regulations, it can be daunting to find the perfect fit. That's why we've developed comprehensive Boot and Pitch guides, designed to empower parents in making informed decisions.


As previously stated, our collaboration with KitAid leverages their well-established network of charitable organisations. We've initiated partnerships with schools and sports facilities, enabling them to facilitate boot collections from parents for donation to KitAid and local charities. Additionally, our partners have the option to request boots for individuals in their community who are in need.

Boot Bin

Introducing the 'Boot Bin'! Gathering boots from parents can be quite a logistical challenge, which is why the 'Boot Bin' provides a solution by establishing fixed drop-off points for boots. Once filled, these bins are collected. We offer both indoor and outdoor 'Boot Bin' options. Moreover, these bins serve as convenient repositories for partners, ensuring a readily available supply of boots for those who arrive with unsuitable footwear.

Free Marketplace

Say goodbye to the expense of purchasing new boots every few months as your little ones' feet outgrow them. Whether you're in search of your child's next pair or looking to sell items to contribute towards your next purchase, join us in our commitment to sustainability.
If your items don't sell, why not donate them instead?


We're continually seeking new sponsorships, so if you or someone you know might be interested, please don't hesitate to reach out. Perhaps you'd consider sponsoring a 'Boot Bin'? All sponsorships will contribute to acquiring new bins, maintaining the website and marketplace, and supporting the overall operations of BootMatch.


Our shop is freshly launched, and we're actively curating items we believe provide a unique alternative to mainstream offerings. Proceeds from the shop will directly support the operational expenses of BootMatch. Initially, we'll showcase items listed in the 'What's in the Bag' section below. Currently, our shop section features links to leading brands, with more offerings to come soon.

What's in the Bag?

We've created a little list for those parents who's kids are just starting out on their football journey.

A pair of good fitting football boots
Shin Pads
Water Bottle
Under layers - Top and Bottoms
Gloves - Waterproof
Wooly Hat
Waterproof Jacket
Small drawstring bag
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